You bet! I’ve had a couple of hummingbirds hanging out in the garden the past few weeks and the Zauschneria plants are some of their favorites (read more about these plants here). Mid August into early September is prime time for hummer viewing in my neighborhood. The rest of the summer they tend to frequent higher elevations, typically those areas that have native stands of ponderosa pine. I’ve never been tempted to hang a hummingbird feeder, but I do have a number of plants in bloom right now that they really go for:
Agastache, hummingbird mint
Buddleia, butterfly bush
Caryopteris, blue mist spirea
Centranthus, red and white valerian
Zauschneria, hummingbird trumpet Above: Buddleia davidii
Below: Penstemon pinifolius 'Mersea Yellow' What are the hummingbirds feeding on in your garden?
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