Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day 5.15.2011

pigsqueek, Bergenia cordifolia

Yesterday, between the rains, I managed to snap a few photos of this month's featured flowers. A number of plants have just finished flowering and many more are just gearing up to bloom.  Here are a few that are prime for May's GBBD...

bronze-leaf ajuga, Ajuga reptans 'Atropurpurea' (a bit of Chrysnathemum and Geranium foliage mixed in as well!)

candytuft, Iberis sempervirens (with dragon's blood sedum in the foreground)

last of the tulips, Tulipa sp.

first of the native spiderwort, Tradescantia occidentalis

creeping Oregon grape holly, Mahonia repens
Turkish speedwell, Veronica liwanensis

woolly creeping speedwell, Veronica pectinata
basket-of-gold alyssum, Aurinia saxatilis
Please be sure to visit Carol at May Dreams' Gardens to link to gardeners worldwide that are also participating in Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day.

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