It's a start

Here are some pics of our first beautiful day in the garden -

We dug holes to plant 2 small blueberry bushes. 2 varieties - Dixi and Duke - planted togehter increase yields.

Our lasagna gardens will hopefully prevent the root nematode problem
In each of the 3 beds we planted today we mixed 3 bags of topsoil, 1 bag of mushroom manure, and 1 bag of organic 'soil energizer' from david hunters with the leaves that had been there as mulch from last fall.
In these 2 beds we planted mesclun, alyssum, carrots, radishes, and spinach.

Reused plastic from the soil and manure lines the beds...maybe they'll last a little longer....

A teepee for the beans - make sure they're pole beans!!

Taking a break....

square foot plot number one -
so far has peas, carrots, lettuce, radish, spinach and alyssum
(plastic tray to protect little seedlings)

The strawberries survived the winter!

We won't have a regular meeting but if you'd like to swing by and check it out, we'll be in the garden around 2pm on Sunday the 12th. In the meantime we're trying to secure a donation of city compost to fill the rest of the beds, as adding all that soil can really add up!

Happy Easter everyone!

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