Spudtacular - July 29

This surely must be the year of the potato - the cool damp spring/early summer seems to have provided us with a great harvest

the search begins

and the treasure - Yukon Gold and fingerlings - have a look at the largest and smallest in the upper left hand corner

we didn't leave the space empty for long - sowed scallions, frisee, Buttercrunch and De Morges Braun lettuces - also sprinkled some neem cake on the lettuce bed - not only provides nitrogen but also hopefully will help repel slugs and snails 

as our carrot seed in bed 1 did not germinate we decided to resow with Kohlrabi

and final pic for the day - Nasturtiums (leaves provide a nice spicy highlight to salads and the flowers add lovely colour - tomatoes are outgrowing their bed and yet another bed of potatoes ready to harvest soon .......

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